Monday, October 11, 2010

One step forward.....then you're pushed down

I had a confrontation with an instructor today.
I was working on a client with a mental disability. She did not want me touching her hands, which is difficult when you are trying to give the person a manicure. Anyway, I had just earned her trust enough that she would let me just touch her hands for a moment before she pulled away, when my instructor walked up and started talking quite loudly startling my client. I was then aggressively instructed to just "grab her hands and hold them". I simply asked if my instructor had been working with this client for the past 20 minutes to earn her trust or if she had ever worked with these clients before. I have plenty of experience working with challenged clients and told her so. I probably could have worded it a little better, but at that point I was frustrated with the fact that she thought she knew better after only seeing the client for 3 seconds.
I was the better woman and apologized for how I said what I did, but I did NOT apologize for WHY I said it. I have said this before, and this incident is a prime example. When someone is DESTRUCTIVE instead of CONSTRUCTIVE, then that person should NOT BE TEACHING OTHERS!!!!!!

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